If you need a heavy front line to pick off squishy heroes, there's nobody better for the job. Then, they buffed his damage and reload time and he ascended back to the top of the list. Between Seasons 5 and 6, Blizzard attempted to balance Roadhog with nerfs but overdid it resulting in a weak and a poor pick. Roadhog- He's a one man apocalypse, who is no longer rump roast.Most balanced teams have two healers, making Mercy the easiest replacement for Lucio and Zenyatta in nearly every rank but Grandmaster where she still falls behind the pair. Since her rework, she's been a consistent powerhouse, able to resurrect fallen allies while standing in the back spamming heals. Mercy- Joining the high-tier club is the angel of science, Mercy.Interestingly enough, she's fourth place in both Bronze and Grandmaster, though I think that's just random luck. She swaps with D.Va between first and second there's no doubting her power. Being able to heal allies and poke at enemies with globes of death, she has proved to be an invaluable tool, even replacing Lucio as the second best support. Moira- Ghoulish and deadly, the last support added to Overwatch has cemented herself as a staple of the meta.Every team composition benefits from bringing her along so don't expect to see any less of her anytime soon. If an enemy on Temple Of Anubis or Watchpoint: Gibraltar has entrenched themselves on defense, D.Va can flank f and disrupt the plan. Though Blizzard continues to nerf and change her, she's still remained on the top of the pick list because of how important she is for keeping the high ground. With strong defense, offense and mobility, she's a deadly wasp that won't go away.

D.Va- The only hero to appear first or second in every single tier, the Korean mecha pilot is the most versatile character in Overwatch.This isn't meant to be the definitive list of heroes you should play. I'll be focusing on heroes in every tier as a whole. Looking at Kaplan's list and taking every rank into account, we've devised a tier list for the start of Season 9. Junkrat dominates Bronze and Silver, barely shows up in Gold and disappears from Platinum and up. Though the higher-tier player base is much smaller, it's still interesting to note these two versatile carries get outshined by simpler heroes like Soldier:76 and D.Va who can still do the same job.

The same can be said for Winston, who only breaks the top 10 in Grandmaster and Master. McCree, everyone's favorite sassy cowboy, is nowhere to be seen in Bronze, Silver and Gold, but has a strong showing in every tier from Platinum to Grandmaster. Some heroes do better than others at higher ranks. Looking at the list, we see the same heroes pop up in nearly every tier, from Bronze all the way to Grandmaster, though where they fall on the list does change.

The original post asked players not to worry about the "trickle down meta", meaning that lower-tier players use whoever they wish instead of the "top-tier" heroes solely used in the Overwatch League. Earlier today, Overwatch Game Director Jeff Kaplan shared the top 10 heroes played in each tier since the start of Season 9 last week in a thread on the Blizzard forums.